ABT does the C7 Audi A6 - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ABT does the C7 Audi A6

ABT has already brought forth its tuning package for the newly launched C7 Audi A6. I suppose its going to take a while before the local, not very quick, slightly sluggish to respond, distributors to bring it in. And when they do bring it in, we're not going to see any S models. Why can't they bring the whole range? People are buying Audi by the shipload these days. There isn't a day in downtown KL where I don't see a large Audi driving around and come to think of it, they're mostly grey imports.

Anyway, click here to read about the ABT Audi A6. Posted over on MyAutoblog.org.

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