An Update On The 1990 W124 Mercedes Benz 200e Featured Previously - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

An Update On The 1990 W124 Mercedes Benz 200e Featured Previously

The 1990 W124 Mercedes Benz 200e featured in here as well in CarThrottle previously is alive and well. It dutifully serves his master well in his daily commute to and from the center of Kuala Lumpur to his place of residence somewhere on the hillslopes of Ulu Klang. This car shares this duty with a Mazda Roadster, so it gets to rest its old legs for a few days at a time.

The car has evolved again actually. From the upgraded AMG alloy wheels in the first feature (above) in here to the WALD bodykitted feature over at CarThrottle (below), it now has a new leather interior in grey in place of the fabric trim and a new body kit.

It sports an AMG bodykit these days.
The reason for this change is that its owner, Adlis K, reckons that the Wald bodykit looks a little tame (or a little too feminine) even though it does make the old Merc a little more late 1990s instead of something from the late 1980s. With the Wald kit, it looks like a W202 Mercedes Benz C-class. In fact the front bumper setup looked like it was taken from a C36 AMG and modified to suit the W124.

The AMG W124 bodykit is more angular, more squarish and therefore slightly more aggressive, and manly. This is the same look that you'd get from the classic 1986 AMG Hammer (which is totally revered by yours truly as the first truly ridiculous super saloon - 6.0liters of V8 power in a narrow, upright sedan, what could be more outrageous?). This is the earlier bodykit compared to the one used in the E36 AMG variant used in the mid-90s, which was a little smoother and a little more like the Wald kit.

The surprising thing about this change in the looks was that it actually happened about 6 months or so after the installation of the previous bodykit. Ah, the pursuit for perfection..........leads to many bodykits.

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