Lamborghini Aventador J pictures - Hot from Lamborghini's press people - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lamborghini Aventador J pictures - Hot from Lamborghini's press people

The ultimate toy and new wall poster for 12 year old kids everywhere. This is my opinion of the new Lamborghini Aventador J concept car. It has no roof, no windscreen. If you want to hit 300km/h in this 1,575kg 700hp roofless supercar you will need a helmet or spectacles that will not lift off that those speeds. While road legal,  it cannot be drive to the office (if you don't own the office building), or the market or any place that anyone can basically steal it. It is so single minded in its pursuit of ultimate performance that it is  basically a toy and nothing more. Lots of Arabs and Russian gangsters are going to love it if and when Lamborghini makes it.

The only other thing that I can say is that the 'J' in Aventador J stands for something called Appendix J from the FIA's rules and regulations pertaining to motorsports. Appendix J defines technical specifications of each class of vehicles (GT, GT3, WRC, F1 etc.). The ironic thing is that I don't see what has that got to do with the Aventador J unless it falls under one of those categories. Then it should be called the Aventador J Sub-section 1(a)(iii) revision XI. If there is such a category.

Much better. But enjoy the pics anyway.
Mr Stephan Winkelman - CEO of Lamborghini, looking dapper as ever.

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