Car Mods Gone Wrong: Spends on chassis BUT.... - Find Used Cars for Sale


Monday, October 7, 2013

Car Mods Gone Wrong: Spends on chassis BUT....

Today I do not feel like writing something long winded. Malaysian car enthusiasts are a passionate lot but sometimes seriously misguided, weird or simply unfathomable. Take this Seventh Generation Honda Accord for example, it has been in my photo archives for a while but I believe it is time to showcase such bizarre antics to the world so that no one would ever, ever, ever think of doing such a thing again.

The owner had invested a serious amount into the bodykit and chassis strengthening....

....but he must have finished it all on the bodykit and chassis braces as when he found out that he needed to extend the rear muffler out from under the rear valance. His ingenuity took over and this is where the horror starts. The DIY tailpipe is basically a piece of aluminium foil that doesn't even wrap fully round the original tailpipe. The owner must have thought that such an addition was perfectly acceptable. Why? Oh, the horror.

Personally I would rather wait for next month's paycheck to get it done properly. As properly as he had spent on the chassis mods. Wouldn't you?

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