Definition of 'Sports Car' in our online ads - Which brings us to this week's lesson. - Find Used Cars for Sale


Friday, November 8, 2013

Definition of 'Sports Car' in our online ads - Which brings us to this week's lesson.

Some of them Malaysian car salesmen really need help folks. And there has to be some education towards people who somehow think that a PERODUA MVYI is a 'sports car' as it came up on one of my searches for 'sports car'.

Either they do not know what a sports car actually is (think Mazda MX-5 or a Lotus Elise) OR they think super highly of their Malaysian made compact car.
Then again, when I scrolled further down after the Peugeot RCZ, an actual sports car and some Golf GTi (which STILL isn't a sports car but a hot hatchback) a Proton Waja with a bodykit came up. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. A sporty bodykit does not make the shopping trolley a sports car okay. In fact, nearly everything on the list wasn't a 'sports car'. Sigh.

And so, this week's lesson is the definition of 'Sports Car' sports car (sportscar or sport car) is a small, usually two seat, two door automobile designed for spirited performance and nimble handling. Sports cars may be spartan or luxurious but high maneuverability and minimum weight are requisite. 

Now do you guys feel even more educated than before? Will you help us save Malaysians from thinking that throwing in a set of sports rims or a bodykit will make their shopping trolleys into sports cars? I hope you will do so.

Remember folks, education is important. And a Myvi isn't a sports car....This fact is more important.

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