KONICA MINOLTA, INC. Launches 5th Generation KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ FILM for Automotive and Building Industries In Malaysia - Find Used Cars for Sale


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

KONICA MINOLTA, INC. Launches 5th Generation KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ FILM for Automotive and Building Industries In Malaysia

We attended the launch for the KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ window film product and premier store launch in Temasya Glenmarie, Shah Alam, earlier today. This marks Konica Minolta's entry into the window film/tinting market for the automotive and also building industries in Malaysia. The event was officiated by Y.A.B Datuk Haj Ahmad bin Hj Maslan, Deputy Finance Minister.

This is a new venture for Konica Minolta Inc. who are known for its optical technonogies like its cameras, lenses, photocopiers and film, has moved into the business for quality window film called the KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™. The ICE-μ™ film boasts of a superior combination of both transparency and heat rejection.

Key features includes ‘wavelength control technology’, high precision coating technology and non-metalised design as well as being eco friendly premium product. It effectively blocks heat and UV rays, lets through visible light for a clear view, does not interfere with electronic signals (like the Smartag system used for our tolls) and allows for a more comfortable and cooler experience (see photo above). It also has the required security protection by being smash resistant when installed properly.

Anyway, the event also marks the launch of the 1ststore in South East Asia by the sole local distributor, Jasa Sarjana Sdn Bhd which is planning to have at least 15 stores nationwide via franchise opportunities by 2014. The event was officiated by Y.A.B Datuk Haji Ahmad bin Hj Maslan, Deputy Finance Minister who highlighted the importance of the window film industry.

It is projected that 200 million square meters of window film will be sold globally by 2020 and Malaysia ranks among the fastest growing markets for this item. According to Datuk Haji Ahmad, the local automotive industry shows that 488,000 new vehicles were sold between January and September 2013 which was 6.4% more than the same period last year. It is this growth that would translate to a significant number of window tinting films required by the automotive industry alone.

And to mark the occassion and as a gesture of goodwill to the community, vehicles from 3 community homes used to transport seniors citizens and underprivileged children were also given free tints. The recipient homes were Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih (an orphanage), Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Grace Klang and Lovely Nursing Centre (both retirement homes)

Now for the pricing, which is very important to you folks out there – the ICE-μ™ will retail from RM1,600 to RM3,800 while building specifications will require a tailor-made cost assessment. We suppose this is about the norm for high-end window film products.

Press Release and Spec Sheet for the KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™


1st store in South East Asia opens in Malaysia while sole local distributor
eyes 15 more store openings within 12 months via franchise opportunities

Selangor, 13 November 2013 - Konica Minolta, INC. Japan (Konica Minolta), known for its optical technologies in developing and producing film and lenses globally, has advanced into yet another new business – high performance window film called KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™. The product incorporates some of Konica Minolta’s core technologies honed over the 100 years the company has been in the forefront of R & D and commercialisation of technology.
Touted as the latest and best in its class, i.e. the fifth generation window film (multi-Nano layer dielectric reflective film), with its advanced features, caters to discerning customers in the automotive and building industries. The innovative KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ film boasts of a superior combination of both transparency and heat rejection. In essence, its revolutionary ‘wavelength control technology’, high precision coating technology and non-metalised design is an eco friendly premium product. It effectively blocks heat and UV rays, lets through visible light for a clear view, does not interfere with electronic signals and allows for a more comfortable and cooler experience.

Sole distributor, Jasa Sarjana Sdn Bhd, opened the 1st KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ Centre in Shah Alam, Selangor. “This outlet marks the first of 15 more outlets to offer the innovative and cutting-edge film. We are also inviting interested entrepreneurs to tap into the franchise business opportunities which we believe will draw car, home or commercial property owners who appreciate the value added features afforded by the KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ film,” said David Lee, CEO of Jasa Sarjana Sdn Bhd.

To mark the occasion and as a gesture of goodwill to the community, the vehicles from 3 community homes used to transport seniors citizens and underprivileged children were also given free tints. The recipient homes were Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih, Persatuan Kebajikan Rumah Grace Klang and Lovely Nursing Centre.

Shigeki Suzuki, General Manager of WF Business Division, Advanced Film Business Operations, Advanced Layers Company of Konica Minolta, who flew in from Japan for the launch said, “Compared to conventional films, KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ which uses a fifth generation type of window film offers a higher level of performance that exceeds even the fourth generation multi-layered, sputtered-type films.

“Ours is an environmentally friendly film which will not only reduces the effects of the heat from the sun but also diminishes the use of air-conditioning and cuts fuel consumption. By blocking harmful UV rays, it minimizes fading of interior surfaces but allows customers a clear view especially for safe night driving. It also holds the glass together in the event of breakage, increasing safety and security. We believe our film will give Malaysians a cooler and more comfortable experience. Certainly, KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ complies with the eco-friendly concept of cars of the future.”

“For your information, KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ first made its entry into the market in 2012 when it was launched in China. To date, our innovative and premium window film is available in China, ASEAN Countries, Middle East, Africa and of course Japan and the response has been very good,” concluded Suzuki.

The launch was attended by leaders from the automotive and building industries. The launch of KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ is indicative of Japanese investment interest in the country and will have a multiplier effect on the economy while giving customers more choice.

The price of KONICA MINOLTA ICE-μ™ for vehicles ranges from RM1,600 – RM3,800 while building specifications will require a tailor-made cost assessment.



  • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- is an eco-friendly and high performance window film suitable for the automotive and building industries, which offers a greater level of comfort.
  • It incorporates some of Konica Minolta’s core technologies honed through some 100 years of R&D and commercialization of innovative technology.
  • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- is a product of long expertise in optical technologies and film manufacturing.

Unique Features of KONICA MINOLTA ICE-

  1. No Signal Interference
    • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- window film adopts Konica Minolta’s unique & innovative design to effectively block blazing heat.
    • Because the film is non-metallic, it will not interfere with electronic signals, cellular phone receptions or navigation systems or other on board devices.
  1. Greater Comfort
    • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- window film blocks unwanted solar rays thus reducing the blazing heat from the sun and protecting the skin from harmful UV rays.
    • It also minimises fading of interior surfaces and complies with visible light transmission laws (allows 70% penetration of visible light).
    • Allows a clear view for safe night driving and is comfortable in the day too.
    • In the event of breakage, the glass is held in place offering safety and security.
  1. Wavelength Control Technology
    • A technology honed from Konica Minolta’s expertise over the years in optical design and thin-film formation.
    • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- has a unique and innovative functional layer design.
    • High-refractive index films and low-refractive index films, made from newly developed materials are alternately layered at optimal thickness, enabling the film to reject or absorb only the UV and IR wavelength of the light spectrum.
  1. Environmentally Friendly
    • Using KONICA MINOLTA ICE- film will reduce heat gain from the sun so the user can rely less on air conditioning and as a result use less fuel.
    • It’s energy efficient in keeping with specification of cars of the future.
  1. High precision coating technology
    • KONICA MINOLTA ICE- film adopts the ‘roll-to-roll’ method i.e coating multiple rolls simultaneously for faster and more stable production.
    • Coating materials with the appropriate physical properties is used to prevent any ‘mixing’ of layers as found in other conventional films. This also safeguards the performance of the film.

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