Bizzare Malaysian Cow-Jacking makes UK Daily and you don't need a truck, a Proton Wira is all you need. - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bizzare Malaysian Cow-Jacking makes UK Daily and you don't need a truck, a Proton Wira is all you need.

Malaysia is in the UK news again. This is a good thing, in a bad sort of way. I read this piece yesterday in the Harian Metro Malay tabloid newspaper. At first I didn't think nothing of it but this piece of news has reached the A paper in the UK. If it came out all the way in the UK, it is important news to be shared with you readers out there.

What happened was that three really stupid crooks had drugged four (4) cows and stuffed all of them, I repeat, all of them cows, into a Proton Wira. Their caper came to an end as the Proton Wira died due to the excess weight some distance away from the farm of which they were stolen from.

Moo? How did I get in here? 

They would have made it if the Proton had survived the weight of four cows. I suppose the car died from various reasons. Either the weight put a strain on the chassis causing everything to break or the strain caused the 1.5liter engine to die an early death. Whatever the case was the poor Proton died. Maybe if they have thought this thing through and stuffed three cows instead of four the poor Proton might have survived. Or they may have gotten away Scot free.Whatever the case, these Malaysian cattle thieves have made Malaysia famous by having this bit of news reported half way round the world.

Now a bit of advice to future cattle rustlers out there. Don't be so stupid and take a car to transport cows, try using a small truck instead. The only piece of cow that a car should have in it is either the material used to wrap the car's seats or in a grocery bag, carrying small chunks of meat from the local market. Those idiots. Making Malaysia famous for having stupid people. As if our politicians aren't bad enough.


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