You gotta love the effort put into this used car ad, even though the car is only a Satria Neo - Find Used Cars for Sale


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You gotta love the effort put into this used car ad, even though the car is only a Satria Neo

Mr Hadi Azmi who works as an editor as a local production house must either love his job or his friend (in that bromance sorta way) a whole lot as he took the time to come up with this ad for the sale of his friend's Proton Satria Neo.

The car is nothing to shout about. It may handle decently well but is sorely lacking everywhere else. Especially headroom. And build quality. And ergonomics. And...I better stop as it'll take too long.

So what does Hadi do? Market the man as a manly man. And a car owner by a 'manly man' deserves to be bought by others...So there you have it. The manly man's car, pictured below.

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