Driver of Mini Countryman BMC 699, you Sir, are a moron. - Find Used Cars for Sale


Friday, February 14, 2014

Driver of Mini Countryman BMC 699, you Sir, are a moron.

This is valid proof that Mini drivers are total idiots. This happened earlier this evening. A ginormous (by Mini standards) Mini Countryman tries to enter the wrong way down a one way street ( note the traffic light folks), then has the nerve to ask yours truly to move slightly aside so that he can continue down the wrong way and since I did not budge as there would be cars behind me shortly as this way a busy junction he gets angry and takes my photo because I did not yield and was busy taking photos of his car as well. He was trying to right a wrong.

Of course I DID NOT BUDGE. Why allow stupidity to go unpunished? Oh, this maxi mini was followed by a BMW. Also being proof that BMW drivers also need more sense of direction. Along comes a guy on a motorcycle who raises his hand to the idiot of a driver in the MIni. More cars start forming a queue behind me before he realises that he is a moron and eventually reverses his Mini.

There you go peeps...story of the day. And the moral of the story is...Follow the road signs and a wrong will not be a right.

Oh, another lesson too. You may be able to buy a premium car, but you can still be a total dickhead.

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