Upcoming car reviews - A classic Mercedes Benz and a modern Peugeot GTI - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Upcoming car reviews - A classic Mercedes Benz and a modern Peugeot GTI

It has been a busy couple of days for me and today's post shall be a short one. A teaser of what's coming up.

We have a review of a classic Mercedes Benz R129 300SL-24. This pristine 1992 model is a stunning example of why classic Mercedes Benz have a following here in Malaysia. It currently belongs to a serial car buyer friend of mine and the drive in this baby is totally an experience. It may have been launched in the mid to late 1980s and feels like it was hewn from a solid block of metal but throw it round a familiar bend and you find a level of composure that is unfamiliar in this generation of modern classic Mercedes Benz.
Then comes Peugeot's most exciting GTI in recent years. The Peugeot 208GTI harks back to the days when the Peugeot GTI badging meant something. It brings things back to the good old days of the 206 and 306GTIs. To say that it is as good as a 205GTI may be pushing it but its darn close. The 200hp in such a small package also makes it a heck of an entertainer.

Stay tuned folks. We don't just review cars. We review the experience too.

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