Happy Merdeka Day! - Find Used Cars for Sale


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Happy Merdeka Day!

It's 31st August again. Our National Day! We, Malaysia achieved independence on the 31st of August 1957 (with Malaysia as a whole forming a little bit later on 16th September 1963). We've indeed come a long way. In 1985 Proton was born. Caused a whole lot of national pride when first conceived. Has been causing some controversy ever since too. But in some ways I am proud of Proton. 

I will write about my favourite Proton cars one of these days. Most probably soon. It is interesting to me. I usually write about things that get me all worked up or things that are mildly interesting. Maybe being over forty has made me less angry about the things around me. I still am. But not as psychotically angry like I used to be. Maybe some cars still tick me off. Can you guess what car or cars?

Anyway, happy holidays all!

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