Germany : 24 GW can reach the energy storage by 2030 - Find Used Cars for Sale

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Germany : 24 GW can reach the energy storage by 2030


As part of a parliamentary inquiry, the German government said the combined storage capacity of hydrogen pumps, storage systems in households and power-to-gas infrastructure could be increased from 0.42 GW which is now, to more than 24 GW up to 2030.

According to Clean Energy Wire, the National Network Service, BNetzA, has already foreseen the creation of storage infrastructure in the design of the network, but according to the government, the growing popularity of domestic solar energy storage systems does not It is necessary that it will provide more flexibility to the network.

This is because if the stored energy is used first and foremost to optimize the supply of individual households, it will not be usable by network administrators for balanced network management. Improving capacity in energy storage is vital for a solid development of RES in Germany, while achieving the definitive withdrawal of coal and nuclear power plants.


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