General Electric explores technological innovations in wind generators - Find Used Cars for Sale

Monday, October 7, 2019

General Electric explores technological innovations in wind generators


With 2.8 million dollars subsidizes the global Research Department of General Electric (GE Global Research) through the U.S. Energy Department's ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) programme for the Design and development Improved controls for a lightweight 12 MW floating wind turbine.

In particular, the funding comes from the newest program of ARPA-E, called ATLANTIS, and concerns among other aerodynamic turbines, naval technologies and integrated server control. According to the relevant publication of the, the project aims to develop floating wind turbines by applying new designs, technological innovations and experimental applications.

In the case of General Electric, the funding will be exploited by the company's research centre in Niskayuna in New York in order to design and develop optimized control technologies for the above model Wind turbine.

 More specifically, the research team will use advanced control algorithms for turbine operation and are designed at the same time as the turbine's structure. The proposed turbine designs and simultaneous controls have the potential to reduce the mass by more than 35% compared to the already installed floating turbines, as reported by the ARPA-E.


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