Some tidbits and news on upcoming reviews on a Truck vs a Bus, a Volkswagen Passat and a Jaguar XJ L - Find Used Cars for Sale


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Some tidbits and news on upcoming reviews on a Truck vs a Bus, a Volkswagen Passat and a Jaguar XJ L

As usual I've been busy. Busy with life. I have also decided to clean up my personal Facebook page of all unwanted and negative clutter. Clutter has been mostly political and anyone who irritates the heck out of me. My Facebook feed is now very positive and I only see what I want to see. Clutter and deadweight holds you back. If you want to achieve more in most things you gotta get rid of it. Life is so much  better without idiots. 

Most of you would also realise that I am bilingual. I speak and write fluently (or decently well) in English and the Malay language. I also know how to swear and curse in umpteen more languages too. Being bilingual is a good thing, but one of the languages must be English if you want to spread your wings globally. I started writing in English because I wanted a broader audience instead of using my mother tongue. I also had the privilege to write for publications elsewhere aside from Malaysia. One of the great things about the knowledge to converse in English and the internet is that it opened up an avenue and a platform for me to share my thoughts to others through a channel that is easily accessible most of the time. And since English is the most widely used medium in most continents (Mandarin could be the most used language but it isn't used on all continents globally), it is the way to go. Look where English has gotten me. I get to drive nice vehicles most of the time.

Speaking of vehicles, upcoming reviews and articles will include:

A comparison between a bus and a truck - which is actually more pleasurable to drive
This is me driving a Scania prime mover truck at the Sepang F1 Circuit....
...this is the Scania Marcopolo bus that I drove right after the truck. So which is actually more fun to actually punt around at about 80-90kmh?

A review on the Volkswagen Passat B7 - still on sale in Malaysia till the new one arrives. Is it still a worthy drive? Expect this soon folks. (I just need to start putting the words together for this first).

A review of the M.I.6 Director's car - The Jaguar XJ L 2.0 - The (longer) Drive Experience. This is because I did have a go in one earlier but that was a short spin. This would be up sometime next week, in lieu of the latest James Bond movie, Spectre. Why? Jaguar Land Rover vehicles are used extensively in that film as well as the previous one, Skyfall. What better way to celebrate a Bond movie by driving something that was heavily featured in one?

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